Meet our Advisors

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Logan Morrow

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

Logan is a comprehensive financial planner that is passionate about financial planning.

Laura Lunn

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

Laura and Kevin have worked together for years serving the needs of Chicago union members.

Kevin Brown

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

Laura and Kevin have worked together for years serving the needs of Chicago union members.

Mike Buckner

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

Mike is a comprehensive financial planner who has served the tri-city area for decades.

Josh Benedict

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

Josh enjoys working with union members in the Denver metro area.

Gary Coleman

Investment Adviser Representatives

Social Security Advisors

Medicare Consultants

Long Term Care, Annuities & Life Insurance

With years of experience, Gary is helping union members create their financial plans.
