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ROTH IRA Accounts
Different Buckets of Money for Retirement
What is a Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?
An account dedicated to your retirement. You fund a Roth IRA with “after-tax” dollars, BUT YOU WILL NEVER PAY ANOTHER DOLLAR OF TAX ON THE CONTRIBUTIONS MADE OR THE GROWTH OF THE INVESTMENTS IN THE ACCOUNT. It is quite an extra-ordinary retirement tool.
Roth IRAs protect you against paying taxes at a higher rate in the future.
There are income limits for Roth IRAs in 2024 the limit is $144,000 and jointly it is $214,000.
Contributions are limited to $7,000 annually if you are under the age of 50, $8,000 if you are older.
You do not have to take Required Minimum Distributions with a Roth; you have already paid the taxes.
You must contribute earned income to a Roth. You may fund a spousal Roth IRA for someone that makes little or no income.